digital thermometer dual input Tecpel DTM-307B
with type K thermocouples

TYPE-K Thermocouple Dual Channel Thermometer


Digital Temperature thermometer  Model:DTM-307B

   Key Features:

Specifications :  CE Approved

Measurement Range:                   
-50 °C to 1300 °C (-58 °F to 2000 °F)


-50 °C to 1000 °C :
±(0.3% reading+ 1 °C )

1000 °C to 1300 °C :
±(0.5% reading+1  °C )

-58 °F to 2000 °F
±(0.3% reading+ 2°F)

Temperature Scale:
Celsius of Fahrenheit user-selectable

1 °C or 1°F (or 0.1 °C of  0.1°F )

K­-type Thermocouple

Sampling rate:
3 times/per second

Power Requirement:
1 piece 9V battery

5.8"x2.8"x1.5" (147x70x39mm)

13.8 oz(395g)

TPK-01x2 holster and owners manual.

Certificate : CE

Ordering Information:
DTM-307B  Thermometer

Q. &  A.:

We are currently using your 307B thermometer, and I see 'OL.'mark appears when I turn it on. 
This mark never disappears and I cannot use this device. What does this sign mean? and what 
should I do in order to eliminate this?

This could be happened

1. The sensor got damaged.

You’d better try to change another new sensor to check if it works well.

2. If you measure temperature over 200 deg C,

the meter will show “OL” to let you know you should change

the resolution  from “ O.1 “ to “ 1 “.

3.  Before the battery is consumed up, the meter will shall "OL" too.

4. Finally, the worst possibility is that the meter get damaged and should be returned back to our 
distributor for after sales service.


Download English manual of dual channel thermometer with type K  thermcouple probe sensor Go to Leaflet for dual input thermometer dtm-307b with type k thermocouple wire probe

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